What are the advantages of a ZedMed Franchise in comparison with an independent pharmacy store?
Challenge 1: Sourcing high quantity of Products (SKUs) from an extremely fragmented market
To manage hundreds of products and brands effortlessly, with respect to sourcing, stocking, and payments along with managing sales and staff members.
Advantage as a ZedMed Franchise:
ZedMed’s efficient process will easily handle all of the aspects related to stock with just a click of button. You will be only required to then focus on your counter sales, customer services and staff management
Challenge 2: Proper inventory planning
A successful pharmacy always has all the requested products available at right time. On the other hand, poor inventory planning leads to excessive losses due to unsold or expiry stock.
Advantage as a ZedMed Franchise:
At ZedMed, we ensure that you don’t have to go through any such hassles as we provide automated inventory management and ordering as per local demand in order to avoid additional capital investment needs and minimize losses.
Challenge 3: Low-quality and authentic medicines
Low-quality medicines are easily available in the market due to an unregulated and disorganized supply chain. To ensure that this doesn’t happen requires a tremendous amount of investment in process and experience.
Advantage as a ZedMed Franchise:
- ZedMed minimizes the risk of such an event from happening as we directly get all the products from manufacturers and authorized distributors only
- The received stock is then safely kept in adequate storage conditions while warehousing and transporting the products to the pharmacies
Challenge 4: Competition
Competition in pharmacy business is high as it is a comparatively low-risk taking business with a high return on investment.
Advantage as a ZedMed Franchise:
ZedMed is a pharmacy brand which is known for its reliability, quality products and availability of attractive discounts and loyalty schemes. Furthermore, ZedMed provides up to 17% savings from time to time on medicines which an independent pharmacy won’t be able to offer.
Challenge 5: Profitability and Gross Margin
Many products which are sold at pharmacy carry quite low trade margins. To solve this, an independent pharmacy requires to source products from a lower priced private label with efficient quality, this can happen only as long as the stock ordered by pharmacy is in high volumes.
Advantage as a ZedMed Franchise:
ZedMed is able to provide a huge assortment of high quality private label products as the brand has a huge scale. Thus, the brand can easily offer both medical and general products with a higher margin.
Challenge 6: IT systems & technology support
To streamline activities and ensure better working, pharmacies are require easy to operate, tamper proof, transparent MIS technology and billing systems whose procurement is usually expensive and their working is quite difficult as well.
Advantage as a ZedMed Franchise:
At ZedMed, we want our franchisees to work in an effortless manner. To ensure this, we provide all the systems and technological support required to handle the pharmacy – sales, purchases, customer records.
Challenge 7: Investment Capital
A capital investment of Rs.22-25 lakhs is needed to start an independent pharmacy similar to the standards of a ZedMed store.
Advantage as a ZedMed Franchise:
With ZedMed, you be required to invest only 16-18 lakhs, as ZedMed has standards set and a list of fast moving initial inventory already in place to get the Franchisee going from day one.